Ep. 3 Public Hunting in Texas! - Say What?

Part 1
Believe it or not there is Public hunting opportunities in Texas. In this episode I share my experiences hunting on various public lands located in South Texas. I talk about both small game and big game opportunities. Each property is described in detail and I explain the Texas public hunt draw system. I also share one of my favorite hunting stories, my first Nilgai bull harvested on these public lands, taken with a shotgun!
Small game info starts at about 9:00
Las Palomas WMA Arroyo Colorado Unit info starts at 12:35
Laguna Atascosa NWR info starts at 26:31
Lower Rio Grand Valley NWR – Teniente tract info starts at 26:48
Lower Rio Grand Valley NWR – East Lake tract info starts at 34:30
Explanation of the Texas public hunt draw system starts at 42:17
Shotgun Nilgai bull story starts at 48:35
Texas Public hunt info general info
TX Drawn hunts
Laguna Atascosa NWR
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